Monday 31 August 2020

Chronicles of millennial generation of hypocritic Christians

In a world that is full of perverse act and double face identity of christianity, It is but the grace of God that we are not consumed. Many acclaimed Christians proclaim Jesus with their lips but exhibit a contrary lifestyle in the world we now live in.

The commandment of God says love your neighbor as yourself for God is love but envy, hatred, selfishness, killing one another, war and  insatiable appetite for power is the acclaimed lifestyle of the millennial generation.

1 John 4 verse 20 says whoever claims to love God yet abhor his brother or sister is a liar and and an hypocrite. For whoever does not love his brother or sister is not capable of loving God whom can not be seen. 

A preposterous trend of self righteousness and hypocritic religious cliques that consistently delights in secret act of ostracizing people who don't share similar physical, emotional, social, mental or financial characteristics.

You hypocrites claim to be Christians but never try to check on a brother or sister who was fervent for the lord Jesus but all of a sudden started being absent for spiritual exercises and activities needed for growth. To preach and propagate the word of God has become a cold activity as the love of the world has increased exponentially.

You also decree to speak in tongues yet you backbite and gossip. If only your mouth would be used as an instrument of the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ who died for us and gave us salvation at no cost.
Beware for we are in thee end times where pride and unrighteousness is the order of the day.

Have you told someone about Jesus Christ today?